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4.4 - Admissions

Updated: 8/13/2024

Admission decisions at OU Health Sciences are based on a strong academic record as well as personal and occupational achievements, ambition, resourcefulness, and leadership qualities.  The University recognizes that each individual brings unique abilities to the University community.  The OU Health Sciences, in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, gender expression, age, religion, disability, political beliefs, or status as a veteran in any of its policies, practices, or procedures.  The types of admission include undergraduate, graduate, and professional level.  Admission requirements, application materials, and application fees vary by college.  Before applying, students should seek advisement through the student affairs office for the respective college.

4.4.1 - Admission/Enrollment as a Special StudentUpdated: 8/13/2024

An applicant who does not desire to pursue a degree program may seek admission as a Special Student only after advisement from the department housing the program.  Special Student status is granted under restricted circumstances such as professional advancement or recertification.  Special Student status is not granted to students wishing to enhance their application.

Special Student status does not ensure acceptance into a degree program.  Special students are not eligible for financial aid.  International students attending on an F1 visa are not eligible to enroll as a Special Student.

Special Students must apply through the online application. The application deadline for Special Students is two (2) weeks before the first day of class.  Enrollment must be completed one (1) week prior to the start of class in any term.  Enrollment as a Special Student is subject to the approval of the college, instructor(s) and the Graduate College dean (if applicable).  Graduate College applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree from a U.S. accredited college or university.

Enrollment is limited to a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours or three (3) terms, whichever comes first.  A maximum of twelve (12) credit hours earned as a Special Student may be applied as credit toward a degree if approved by the admitting program or college dean.  Credit earned as a Special Student may be petitioned to be counted toward a degree program provided the criteria for full standing admission is met at the time of admission.

For assistance, please contact the college offering the course or OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions at (405) 271-2359.

4.4.2 - English Language ProficiencyUpdated: 8/13/2024

Proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding English is essential to the success of students at OU Health Sciences.  Each applicant whose first language is not English is required to demonstrate English proficiency by achieving a satisfactory score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).  Minimum scores vary by department and are viewable on the OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions website.

Official TOEFL scores must be reported directly from the testing agency to OU Health Sciences using institution code 6902.  IELTS scores must be sent by the applicant to and scores will be verified by OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions staff.  Applicants born abroad to parents with U.S. native citizenship are exempt from the English Proficiency requirement.  A copy of the U.S. birth certificate or passport will be required as verification.

Scores must be less than two years old by the start of the term in which the student applies.  Scores expire after two years and must be resubmitted.  The institutional TOEFL examination completed through the University of Oklahoma, Norman campus, is acceptable.  Registration and exam dates are available online at or by calling (405) 325-1921 or (405) 325-1208.  Exams administered through institutions other than the University of Oklahoma will not be accepted.

OU Health Sciences has high standards for English proficiency, therefore it does not waive the TOEFL requirement for transferring students with completion of 24 semester hours of coursework from the U.S. unless stated on the OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions website.  An application is not complete until the English proficiency requirement is met.

To register for an examination contact:



Applicants who do not meet the minimum score requirement but have compelling documentation of having English proficiency may request an exception waiver through the Apply OUHSC application.  Final decisions are determined by the college and are not guaranteed. 

4.4.3 - In-State/Out-of-State Residency Policy and PetitionUpdated: 3/7/2025

OU Health Sciences is a state tax-supported institution of higher education supported by legislative funds derived from State of Oklahoma tax revenue. As a state tax-supported institution, the University gives preference in tuition pricing to residents of the State of Oklahoma.

The University’s definition of the term "resident" may be different from the definitions developed by other agencies or institutions. The University does not recognize declarations of resident status made by other agencies. Thus, a person who is an Oklahoma resident for tax or voting purposes is not necessarily a resident for OU Health Sciences tuition purposes.  Mere assertion by a student such as checking “In-State” on the application for admission is insufficient.

The University shall grant out-of-state tuition waivers to citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.

The University follows the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Policy Statement on Residency Status for Tuition Purposes. The full text of the policy can be found in Section 3.18 of the Oklahoma State Regents Policy and Procedures Manual.

OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions is authorized to make determinations for in-state/out-of-state classification for its individual students, either at the time of initial application, or as the result of a petition for in-state residency.  If you have any questions regarding residency status or the petitioning process, contact or call (405) 271-2359.

Petition for Oklahoma Residency Form

4.4.4 - Transfer Credit PolicyUpdated: 8/15/2024

Transfer Credit is approved when courses completed from previous institutions of higher education may be used to fill a prerequisite or to meet a general education requirement. To help in your educational planning, The University of Oklahoma Office of Admissions and Recruitment  has developed course equivalency tables for the two-year and some four-year institutions in Oklahoma. Transfer courses that do not have an exact OU equivalent, but have been approved for general education credit, also appear on this list.

Courses that have no OU equivalent will transfer to the University and often can be applied toward a degree. The course may substitute for required courses or transfer as elective credit. The degree-granting college will evaluate all transfer courses for equivalency and determine how each course will apply toward the OU Health Sciences degree. If a transfer course has not been approved for equivalency previously, it is necessary to begin the petition process with a completed Petition for Transfer Course Review Form and syllabus. The instructions and mailing address are included on the form. Use one form for each course to be reviewed.

Upon receipt, OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions, in accordance with the current University of Oklahoma course evaluator guidelines, will review the petition content and the course syllabus for equivalency to the corresponding OU course. OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions may approve or deny equivalency, or recommend the course be considered for substitution by the degree-granting college. Once a determination is made by the University, the petitioner will be notified.

4.4.5 - Military Service CreditUpdated: 8/13/2024

The University awards credit for educational experience during military service according to the recommendations of the American Council on Education as published in “The Guide to the Evaluation of Military Experiences in the Armed Services.”  Policies governing the acceptance of credit awarded for military experience toward satisfying degree requirements vary among the degree-granting colleges of the University.  Students should contact their college academic advisement office for specific information on the applicability of this type of credit toward degree requirements.  General questions concerning the evaluation of educational experience in the armed services should be directed to OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions.

The grade of S (satisfactory) is assigned to all credit awarded for military training.

Students with educational experiences in the military must submit the following military records to OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions for review.

  • Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps: Submit an official Joint Services Transcript. Students may request a Joint Services Transcript be sent electronically to the University.
  • Air Force personnel and veterans: Guidance for requesting Air University (AU) and Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcripts has been consolidated under the Air University Registrar's Office. All requests must be made through the AU Service Desk. To order an official transcript, please visit Air University Office of the Registrar.
  • DANTES/USAFI: Students may also request a transcript from DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support) or USAFI (United States Armed Forces Institute—tests taken prior to July 1, 1974). Many tests taken under the auspices of DANTES or USAFI carry American Council on Education credit recommendations recognized by the University. Official DANTES transcripts can be ordered from Thomson Prometric, P.O. Box 6604, Princeton, NJ 08541-6604, (877) 471-9860 (toll free). A transcript of USAFI courses or tests completed prior to July 1, 1974, may be obtained from Thomson Prometric, P.O. Box 6605, Princeton, NJ 08541-6605. Visit DSST to learn more.
  • DANTES tests (DSSTs) can also be taken by people who are not in the military. Visit DSST to learn more.

4.4.6 - Advanced Placement (AP)Updated: 8/13/2024

Advanced Placement (AP) is administered by the College Entrance Examination Board-this program allows high school students to take examinations for credit at the college level.  High School counselors will assist students with testing arrangements.  Effective July 1, 2021, House Bill 2750 states institutions of higher education within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education shall not require an Advanced Placement Exam score higher than 3 to award credit.  Scores of 1 and 2 are not acceptable for credit.  The following is a link for which OU awards credit, and the credit awarded for various scores received Advanced Placement Programs.

For questions concerning AP services call (888) 225-5427 (toll free) or visit AP Central.

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