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4.8.8 - Grading System

Updated: 3/7/2025

Students' course grades are retained in OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions, and become a part of official records of the university.

The grades awarded are A, B, C, D, F, I, S, U, W, X, Y, AS, AU, AW, EX, and under certain conditions, H, P, and NP. The passing grades used are A, B, C, and under certain conditions, H, P, and S. The grade of "D" is the lowest grade for which credit is given in any undergraduate college.  This means that although in the judgment of the instructor credit should be allowed for the course, the degree will not be conferred upon a student whose work is all of that level. In the Graduate College, however, the grade of "D" is failing insofar as credit toward a degree is concerned, but credit in the course will be recorded to be used only to satisfy prerequisite requirements and/or requirements for certificates.  Non-passing grades are F, U, and NP. The grade of "W" (withdrawal) is a neutral grade assigned when the student is passing at the time of withdrawal. A student who withdraws from a course with failing grades will receive the grade of "F."

The grade of "S" (satisfactory) is a neutral passing grade. The grade of "U" (unsatisfactory) is used to indicate that no credit will be given for the course. These grades may be used for seminar courses, provided they are taught on a noncompetitive basis and all students in the class are graded on this basis. The "S" grade is the only passing grade accepted for special problem courses, individual research, and directed reading courses.

An "X" is a neutral conditional grade indicating that satisfactory progress is being made and may only be used for thesis and dissertation research courses 5980 and 6980. It is a complete grade whenever the final entry is either "S" (satisfactory) or "U" (unsatisfactory). An intermediate grade of "U" indicating unsatisfactory progress in thesis or dissertation research may be given if circumstances warrant.

The grade of "F" (failure) is calculated in the grade point average and carries a value of 0. Students who receive an "F" grade in a required course must, if possible, register for the required course again the first time it is given. Any student presenting credit from another institution for a course in which they previously failed at OU Health Sciences will not receive credit for such course except through validation by the department in which the course was originally failed.

The grades of “H” (honors) and “P” (pass) are GPA neutral passing grades and credit is given for the course.  “H” and “P” hours are included in hours attempted and hours earned.  These grades are only used for the College of Medicine basic science courses in the first two years.  The grading scale used for the College of Medicine core basic science courses is Honors (95% and above) and Pass (70% - 94%).  The grade of “P” may also appear on intercampus enrollment.

The grade of "W" (withdrawal) is a neutral grade indicating that the student was enrolled in, but withdrew from the course. A "W" will not be recorded if the student's withdrawal is within the first two weeks of a semester or the first week of a summer term, nor will any record be maintained on the student's permanent record.

The grade of "Y" denotes a yearlong course that begins in one term and ends in the next term. The Colleges of Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Medicine commonly use this grade.

The grade of "EX" indicates that a student is exempt from a required course because the student has earned equivalent credit.

The grade of "AW" (administrative withdrawal) may be assigned to indicate that a student has been "involuntarily" withdrawn from classes after the University's drop and add period by the University during the designated semester for disciplinary or financial reasons or inadequate attendance. Such institutional penalties must follow formal institutional procedures. Administrative withdrawals are GPA neutral.

An "AU" grade is used to indicate satisfactory completion of an audit enrollment. An instructor may assign a "W" grade to an auditor who, in the instructor's opinion, did not perform according to the specific requirements as identified to the student at the time of enrollment.

OU Health Sciences is excluded from participation in the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) Academic Forgiveness Provision, including repeat, reprieve, and renewal and it does not recognize plus/minus grades.  Therefore, all grades earned will be included in grade point calculations when applying for acceptance to an OU Health Sciences program.  OU Health Sciences student undergraduate coursework is included in this policy. (OSRHE Approved, 6-21-93) - Grading Regulations Relative to IncompletesUpdated: 8/13/2024

The grade of “I” (incomplete) is a neutral mark, not an alternative to a grade of “F.” No student who is failing a course when grades are awarded may receive an “I.” The student should have completed a substantial portion of the required coursework for the semester satisfactorily to receive an “I.” The “I” grade is intended to be temporary and to be used when a student, for reasons acceptable to the instructor, is unable to complete certain identifiable requirements of a course and cannot be assigned another grade. For example, missing a final exam because of illness or inability to submit a term project for extenuating circumstances might constitute a student’s being granted an “I.”

Simply indicating coursework is “incomplete” is not an acceptable explanation of the “I” grade. The instructor will communicate to the student what must be done to complete the course and set an appropriate deadline, which may not exceed one calendar year from the end of the term in which the student received the “I.”

If no change of grade has been submitted by the end of one year, the grade of “I” will become permanent on the student’s record. After a grade of “I” has become permanent, the student may re-enroll in the course. Coursework at another institution cannot be used to complete the requirements for the OU Health Sciences course in which a student has received an “I” grade. If the student graduates with a grade of “I” on the record, it becomes permanent. - Grading Regulations Relative to Withdrawals and DropsUpdated: 8/13/2024

Complete withdrawal from the University:  All students dropping all courses for a semester (including the summer session) receive the grade of “W” in each course of enrollment. 

Undergraduate students dropping one or more courses, but not all courses, in the first two weeks of class (first week of summer), will have no grade recorded. From the third week through the twelfth week of class (sixth week of summer), a "W" will be assigned to each dropped course. From the thirteenth week through the last day of classes, courses may be dropped only by direct petition to the dean of the student's college. Students who drop a course with permission of the dean will receive a final grade of "W" or "F" at the discretion of the instructor of the course. 

Graduate and Professional students dropping one or more courses, but not all courses, in the first two weeks of class (first week of summer), will have no grade recorded. From the third week through the tenth week of class (fifth week of summer), a "W" will be assigned to each dropped course. From the eleventh week through the last day of classes, courses may be dropped only by direct petition to the dean of the student's college. Students who drop a course with permission of the dean will receive a final grade of "W" or "F" at the discretion of the instructor of the course. 

For regulations relative to drops and withdrawals for courses that deviate from the Academic Calendar, please contact OU Health Sciences Recruitment and Admissions at (405) 271-2359. - Honor RollsUpdated: 8/13/2024

Full-time undergraduate students who complete at least twelve (12) earned OU Health Sciences credit hours during a fall or spring semester with a current term semester (not overall) grade-point average of 4.00 (i.e. all "A's) are placed on the President's Honor Roll. Students who have completed their courses under the same requirements as outlined above, with a grade-point average of 3.50 or higher, and no grade below "C," are placed on the Dean's Honor Roll.

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